First Couple Days of Classes at Otago

I am on day 3 of my classes, and I am enjoying all of them. Each course is so different from the others that it keeps me engaged and enthusiastic. I am taking geography, microbiology, Māori society, and Māori performing arts courses. Otago is a massive university with 20,000 students, so understandably, the lecture halls are filled with many people. However, I donʻt feel like a number here. The professors are so nice, knowledgeable, and approachable. They are experts in their field and passionately share the content. In some of my classes, the professor changes every few weeks or even every class. The University brings professors in that know so much about the topic we are learning.

My Māori performing arts class is really going to push me out of my comfort zone. Our final ‘exam’ includes performing a concert at the end of the semester. Our first class taught us some te reo Māori (the Māori language). I have a background in knowing the Hawaiian language and was not surprised by how similar the words and sentence structures are. I feel like this is the best way to learn about the land I am on and the people that originate here. I connect deeply with the Māori culture as I pick up on the similar facets between it and Hawai’i.

At the end of my school days, I find a flatmate to head to the campus gym. For the first two weeks, they offer free fitness classes like spin, yoga, boxing, and pump. They are so fun and really get your heart going. I also signed up for the canoe and tramping (hiking) clubs and am trying out for the football (soccer) club. With so much to do here, I will not be bored. I am sure making the most of my time here in Otago.

Till next time,

Kahiau Faith