Leaving The Country


Dear Readers, 

Today I left the country for the very first time. I spent time before my flight with my Aunty Di and she and I exchanged our New Years goals (resolutions are just too much pressure). I decided that I want this year to be one where I live in the moment instead of worrying constantly about ‘what’s next’. It’s too much energy, and so I started off my trip with some observations that made living in the moment pretty special. 

The first thing is that on my first flight there was the sweetest couple sitting next to me. They seemed to be late twenties to early thirties and were so comfortable around each other that it was easy to feel at ease sitting right beside them. I happened to look over when the drinks were coming by and noticed that the husband was writing love letters to his wife in his notes app titled “notes to my wife” with I swear five different heart emojis! They shared headphones for the flight and watched a show while laughing and chatting the whole way. It’s a little cheesy but seeing love in the little things always makes me feel all fuzzy. Something about my hope in humanity being restored, yada yada (If I’m super honest the guy looked a bit like Ed Shearan). It’s moments like this that solidify my determination to be living in the moment. I could easily have been stressing and panicked for the flight over but instead I took a minute to breathe and look around me.

I am so glad I chose the window seat for the first flight because I feel like I’m in my own world up in the sky. I started reading the sequel to a romance book my best friend recommended to me and I couldn’t hold in my giggles at how cute it was! If I end up loving it I’ll share it with you when I finish it. 

If you haven’t heard the song “Ribs” by Lorde I highly recommend listening the next time you are doing something scary. Something about it makes me feel like I’m in an indie film as the main character making her epic journey. “It feels so scary getting old… but we can make it so divine” is a line that I feel fits pretty well for traveling alone. I’m about to spend the best four months of my life in Ireland and I intend to spend every second loving it. Not to say I won’t be writing my share of the bad, that’s simply inevitable; but I think I’m really going to like the person I become during this grand adventure of mine. 

My second flight was insanely long, but the flight attendants were so efficient and professional it kind of blew my mind. We got a beverage before takeoff, a warm towel for our faces, a full meal, another beverage, and when I woke up from a nap I got some genuine UK tea! Cream and sugar of course. My favorite thing I noticed while trying to be “in the moment” was actually in the Seattle airport. There is something comforting about being a first time international traveler and seeing other seasoned travelers be confused. I was waiting to get my boarding pass, and there was this mother in front of me, beautifully dressed in a dress that looked like the sky. It was made of a lightweight material that moved like water as she swayed with her toddler and her son was wearing tiny Air Force One’s! She was so in love with her child, even as he ran about and regularly threw his toy horse to see how far he could reach that it made my nerves calm down a little bit. It made me already miss my mom, though I know I’ll see her again soon. We were both waiting with a few couples and singles waiting to get our boarding passes, and multiple people stopped to ask me if they should be in line. I hope I was helpful, and I think I either look trustworthy or I’m just a safe option as a single woman traveling solo because close to 6 people stopped to ask me. Next flight is to Shannon then onwards to Galway!  

The song of this flight is “The Moon Will Sing” by the Crane Wives. 

Until next time,
Abigael LaBuhn